Monday, 3 September 2018

Applying for Ship Registration in Nigeria Everything You Will Need

Each nation has the right to set their own requirements in permitting vessels to hoist their flags and enter themselves in the country’s registry. This right is guaranteed by the United Nations Convention on Laws of the Sea. Nigeria also enjoys the same right and therefore sets its own requirements regarding ship registration.

In Nigeria, people who wish to register ships need to be citizens, with corporate bodies subject to Nigerian laws and businesses in Nigerian soil. Those who are applying for ship registration should go to the Nigerian Maritime and Safety Agency. Intellectual Property Law Firms Nigeria make sure that whole process of Intellectual rights and law should be handled seamlessly if someone is facing some issue related to Intellectual Property Rights.

The agency will require numerous documents from you, the shipowner, in order to get your vessel registered. Here are the requirements the Nigerian government will need from you:

Application form
The particulars of your company, including
A copy of your certificate of Incorporation
CTC of your Form CAC7, CAC2, and Memorandum and Articles of Association
Declaration of ownership issued by the Ship Registry
Your company’s present tax clearance certificate
Your company’s reference letter or bank statement

In addition, the shipowner is also required to submit a survey and issuance of a certificate of tonnage measurement application in order to determine the vessel’s flag survey.
A Builder’s certificate as a title evidence or a bill of sale
A certificate of deletion, only if the vessel flags in from another country. This is necessary in order to avoid dual registration according to the UNCLOS.
A Minister approved tonnage measurement certificate and condition survey report
A pre-purchase survey report
Call sign certificate
Certificate of an approved plan. This is issued by NIMASA for new local vessels only.
Certificate of carving
Certificate of marking note of the ship
For conventional vessels, a vessel class certificate is necessary
Information about the vessel will be required, including the following:
Insurance and P & I coverage evidence
Load line certificate
Registration fee payments also needs to be made
The Master’s name
The place of purchase
The ship’s best particular, including its tonnage, description, and build
The ship’s name
The time of purchase

Furthermore, the shipowner’s information also needs to be provided. The list includes the following requirements:

A log book of the ship, which is to be inspected by the Ships Registrar.
Evidence of financial capacity to both operate and maintain a vessel in Nigeria
Evidence of the shipowner’s ability to both operate and maintain a vessel
For second-hand tonnage, a bill of sale will be required, including warranty against encumbrances and liens from sellers.
The owner’s address
The owner’s full name
The owner’s occupation

All of these documents are required by the Registrar in order to prove that the ship is seaworthy and has no prior issue attached to it. In addition, these documents are also required in order to ascertain that you are capable of maintaining your ship and that you are a responsible ship owner. If you are facing any query in ship registration, then go to Nigerian Maritime and Safety Agency or facing any  issue in intellectual rights or then you should consult Intellectual Properties Attorney Lagos as they have technical expertise and experience to handle the problem related to Intellectual rights and law.

These documents need to be submitted to the Registrar. Once everything has been submitted, the Registrar may then issue a Certificate of Registration in a form that is approved by the Agency.


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