Thursday, 24 August 2017

Tejulaw - Penalty of Using a non-commercial product for Commercial Purpose

In almost all the countries in the world, the use of non-commercial products for commercial use is illegal and sometimes people have to pay huge bucks for their mistakes. In the United States, the infringer pays somewhat $200 to $1,50,000 for the damage caused to the original licence holder.

Sometimes when your client make use of make use of the copyrighted materials for promoting or for-profit business, then it is commercial and if at all running for non-commercial use also, it comes under copyright or trademark infringement. If you are staying in Nigeria or the United Kingdom and want to hire a professional lawyer to fight for your original materials used by another person as a part of commercial use, you can go for Patent Lawyer Nigeria.

A.A. Tejuoso & Co. or Tejulaw is a boutique firm of legal practitioners specializing in Intellectual Property Law (i.e. protection of Patent, Design, Trademark, Copyrights and Domain Names) in Nigeria and Sub-Saharan African countries.. The firm also provides legal services in Corporate & Commercial Law, Energy & Natural Resources Law, Maritime Law and Real Property Law in Nigeria.

Here is the list of legal penalties for copyright infringement that the infringer pays are:

  1. Statutory damages rom $200 to$ 150,000 for each work infringed.
  2. The actual dollar amount of damages and profits.
  3. Injunction to stop using the trademark.
  4. Attorney fees and court costs.

A trademark attorney such as Trademark Attorney Nigeria can help you in many regards such as analyzing the trademark that is selected and diminishing the chances of being rejected and he would file trademark application, providing valuable tips and suggestions in regards to the matter of overcoming the hurdle of being penalised or to impose penalty on the infringer.


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